August 11, 2014

Pentingnya PPSMB UGM! :)

Berada di peralihan status sosial dari pelajar atau siswa biasa menjadi seorang mahasiswa tentu bukanlah hal yang sembarangan. Sebagai salah satu mahasiswa baru Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), kami difasilitasi dengan PPSMB atau Pelatihan Pembelajar Sukses Mahasiswa Baru yang disosialisasikan dengan sebutan PALAPA . PPSMB ini diselenggarakan setingkat fakultas dan bersifat wajib diikuti seluruh mahasiswa baru UGM.

PPSMB ini mulai diselenggarakan setiap tahun sejak 2008. Kegiatan ini tentu menjadi penting bagi Gamada (Gadjah Mada Muda) untuk bisa mengetahui serta mengenal tentang kehidupan akademik mahasiswa, sejarah dan visi misi Universitas Gadjah Mada, mampu beradaptasi dengan lingkungan yang baru, serta berpengetahuan yang luas dan menambah pengalaman yang baru di UGM.
Selain itu, PPSMB juga memiliki pengaruh untuk mahasiswa baru agar Gamada memiliki karakter yang baik, kepedulian dan toleransi di kehidupan kampus, rasa nasionalisme dan semangat belajar yang tinggi untuk menjadi mahasiswa yang sukses dan berprestasi di UGM.

PPSMB secara luas tidak hanya penting dalam pengaruh akademik, melainkan juga memberi dampak positif dalam aspek sosial. Melalui PPSMB, kita dapat mengenal sesama mahasiswa baru dari berbagai jurusan, beragam asal daerah dan kebudayaan, juga mengenal bermacam-macam karakter individu. Kita juga diajar dan dilatih untuk dapat bertoleransi dengan keberagaman budaya dan latar belakang.

Dari kegiatan PPSMB ini, kita juga dapat melatih kepribadian diri menjadi mahasiswa yang berkualitas, manusiawi, bermartabat, memiliki nilai dan jati diri kerakyatan, sehingga dimasa mendatang kita mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan bersaing dalam rentang nasional maupun internasional.

Sebagai bagian dari PPSMB PALAPA, fakultas teknik juga mengambil peran dengan menyelenggarakan PPSMB tingkat fakultas, yakni PRISMA. PPSMB FT / Prisma ini bersifat wajib diikuti oleh semua mahasiswa baru jurusan Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada. Dengan adanya Prisma, kita dapat memiliki pengetahuan yang lebih luas mengenai Teknik dan tuntunan/bimbingan untuk menentukan masa depan kita kemudian. Dengan kata lain, kita dapat menjadi mahasiswa Teknik UGM yang memiliki kualitas dan berguna dalam banyak hal.

Selain itu, pembekalan Gamada Teknik dengan kegiatan soft skills yang mencakup living skills, learning skills dan leadership skills. Kegiatan ini membantu kita beradaptasi dan mengontrol individu kita sendiri untuk lebih adaptif, tanggap terhadap perubahan, bertanggung jawab, serta berjiwa mandiri dan berjiwa wirausaha.
Sekian yang dapat saya sampaikan tentang seberapa Pentingnya kita mengikuti PPSMB Universitas Gadjah Mada. Lebih dan kurangnya mohon dimaklumkan. Terimakasih, Tuhan memberkati. J

Posted by :
Kanadya Di Livia
Unit #38 - Teknik Kimia
Gamada 2014.

February 21, 2014


feel free to greet, ask, stalk or consult about fashion and style :D
ps. im always on on, click here to submit your questions ;;)

go and follow me there, ask everything you wanna ask, its widely open for friends or even anonymous!
see ya there, gals <3 p="">
kiss and hugs,
k.dv, xoox.

January 01, 2014


I've been struggling so hard in my final year in high school, so i guess you can understand the reason i didn't write blog this whole long time, and so sorry for that :(
What a pity, i must to knee deep in 'this' thing for another half year :')
wish me luck!

AHYA, i wanna say HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014, wish all your dreams come true, be blessed, and be blessing for others, have a blast and make every minutes count! ;;)


September 19, 2013


Greetings lovers! 
As i promise you in last post (Matahari Fashion Award - Printed Bottoms), im gonna show you MORE about Printed Bottoms! 
Where's the yeay? haha <3 p="">

As you gonna see below, i have some fashion tips to mix your wardrobe with very edgy printed bottom you can find in Matahari Dept. Store :)
Ah ya, girls, i'm sure most of you already know about Katy Perry's new song titled ROAR. 
Quitely, i'm inspired so much by that song, mostly with the lyrics. And i was so glad glad glaaaadd to have a tiger kenzo sweater on Matahari! Ah, love.

Oh, i have bonus tips for you gals. I also bought a pair of colored jeans! uhuuu :3
Confuse to mix? Feel insecure to wear? Hard to find? not anymore baby! 

So, wait for what? Let's take a look! <3 p="">

Tiger Grey Sweater (Nevada), Printed 'swirls' Bottom (Connexion), Yellow wedges (Connexion)

Headband (Arthalia), Brown checkers Outer (Nevada), Smiley USA T-shirt (Super T), Printed swirls bottom (Connexion), Yellow Wedges (Connexion)

Black Blazer (Atmosphere), England Tanktop 'Freedom is not Free' (Nevada), Orange Jeans (Nevada), Yellow wedges (Connexion)

overview from first and last post! :)

At the end,
Grab your wardrobe and free yourself to play with your cloths, girls :)
Don't feel insecure with your different bottoms such as printed one, colored one. They actually make your look looks fantastic and give different accent than the others. By then, you can be remembered in public's mind. :)

Be bold with your style, cause fashion can be judge, but they never gone wrong.
Get ready to show the world your beauty, your fierceness, your comfort zone in fashion, amigo! <3 p="">XOXO.

Feel free to comment, rates, and request. You can also contact me on this link. ;;)
with love,

September 18, 2013


Attention Fellas! 
Its road to Jakarta Fashion Week 2014! Get ready, stylist! ;)
This time, I'm gonna talk about MATAHARI Fashion Award for JFW2014.
As you know, last year, the same program also held, and Hallelujah, i became a winner yeay!
But, unluckily, i really sick at JFW week so i can't enjoy the whole excitement on Plaza Senayan, wish tons of luck for this year <3 nbsp="" p="">Actually this time, JFW will be held at Senayan City, so prepare your wardrobe, styles!

Last week, i grab some of my new favorite cloths on Matahari Dept. Store in Mall Taman Anggrek. There are so many new collections and features, so in trend right now!
Talking about trends, in Indonesian teenagers especially, we sometimes see patterned jeans/printed bottoms everywhere. they actually look cute and fierce. But, sometimes, we feel like insecure to match up these things with our blouse/top, and rarely feel awkward to wear printed bottoms to hang-out places or malls. Are you one of them?

If you are one of them, don't worry! I was too ;) But, let me help you with some tips of these looks. I actually have three different printed bottoms, but i'm gonna show you guys one by one on each post kay. Hard to find in store? Don't ever think that one, you can found EVERYTHING you see here in Matahari Dept. Store!
Let's seek out then ;)

Crop Loose Top (Surf The Earth), Printed Bottoms (Nevada), Black Heels (Details)

Blue Blazer (Nevada), T-shirt "Never Ever Ever Give Up" (Super T), Printed Bottoms (Nevada), Black Heels (Details)

Blue Shirt (Cool Teen), Tribal Tshirt (Connexion), Printed Bottom (Nevada), Black Heels (Details)

Aha! Don't forget to wait for my next post to see another mix-match printed bottoms if you wanna know more! :)
You know, anything you wear defines yourself, your inner beauty, your true inside. So, don't be insecure, just be yourself, as free as a bird. :)
Be fierce, be glad, be brave, be amazing as you are! <3 div="">

You have any request/question? Feel free to contact me anytime.
love, k.dv